Mental Blocks

"You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the the thing you think you cannot do." ~ Eleanor Roosevelt While there is a world of difference between your actual limitations and limitations you've accepted for yourself that don't really exist, the two are identical …

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The Courage to Face Ingratitude IX

"Confidence and credit are the cornerstones of business, as they are of society. Withdraw them from business and the activities and enterprises of the world would stop in an instant, topple and fall into chaos. Withdraw confidence in humanity from the individual, and he becomes but a breathing, selfish egotist, the one good man left, …

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Facing the Mistakes of Life VI

"Musing over the dreams of youth, the golden hopes that have not blossomed into deeds, is a dangerous mental dissipation. In very small doses it may stimulate; in large ones it weakens effort. It over-emphasizes the past at the expense of the present; it adds weights, not wings, to purpose. “It might have been” is …

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The Confidence to Let Go

"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." ~ Dr. Seuss As a follow-up to yesterday's post, Release your inner Bitter Betty, I'd like to share my thoughts on another key to living an uncommon life. How you handle the end of a day, project or chapter in your life is almost as important …

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An Ode to my Friends on a Hot Summer’s Morn’

"I don't need a friend who changes when I change and who nods when I nod; my shadow does that much better." ~Plutarch Sympathy is the death knell of a good friendship. Empathy, on the other hand, is a restorative balm that heals life's cuts and scrapes. Sympathy says to another "you are right to …

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A Personal Declaration of Excellence

The day before the ratification of the Declaration of Independence by the Continental Congress 234 years ago must have been filled with incredible anticipation. Thomas Jefferson, a delegate to Congress at the time, submitted five hand-written copies that were modified, particularly in relation to slavery, before being approved. Only two original fair copies remain: one …

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Be willing to be surprised by your world.

Appearances can be deceiving. A great many people I've known through the years prided themselves on their ability to "size up" or to "get a read on" a stranger in the first moments of an encounter.  While this is perhaps a useful capability, I have always taken great caution when exercising it myself, leaving ample room for the adjustment …

Continue reading Be willing to be surprised by your world.