Thank you Freshly Pressed!

Much to my surprise I discovered (by the onslaught of views and comments) that my post “Dress for Success” was promoted to Freshly Pressed this morning. Thank you, dear readers, for your support and encouragement. Thank you WordPress and thank you Joy!

I wish you an uncommonly generative weekend…

3 thoughts on “Thank you Freshly Pressed!

  1. All I can say is “wow.” Every morning I struggle to maintain professionalism without completely hindering my style/personality through my choice in clothing, but as a resident psychiatry doc who is constantly commented on having a younger appearance, professionalism always wins. Your post is brilliant with shedding light onto my daily battle, which truly shouldn’t be as complicated as I’ve made it, especially since my knowledge supersedes a pinstripe blazer.

    Congrats on being freshly pressed…I look fwd to reading more.



    1. As a fellow shrink with, I think, a handful more years and a commensurate number of grey hairs starting to appear at my temples, my professional advice is to enjoy the problem while it lasts! 😉

      I love clothes too, and have worn my fair share of eccentric outfits over the years. To be honest, I think it’s good to demonstrate a streak of eccentricity/personality(/humanity?) in our particular jobs.

      This is easier in some ways for a guy than a girl, of course, I do appreciate that.


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