Contented by Giving

My sons and I started a new tradition when we travel which has proven to be a consistently wonderful experience. We agreed that they would give a gift to one staff member at each hotel we visit and that they had the honor of choosing the most commendable recipient.

The gentleman who received the gift today worked in the engineering department and brought up a rollaway bed for us. He went out of his way to make the boys feel at home in “his” hotel. He was doing more than a job; he was serving a fellow human being and he obviously cherished the privilege.

The boys were excited to acknowledge the gentleman’s service and gave he and his family a box of French macarons we found at a lovely little shop in Naples, Florida called Le Macaron. He was visibly touched to receive such an unexpected gift from two young boys who were so obviously contented by giving, but perhaps more significantly, all of us felt blessed to transform a typically banal situation into an edifying moment of mutual appreciation.

4 thoughts on “Contented by Giving

  1. I love that tradition! We enjoy doing that on our cruises… Acknowledging the ones who stand out. The gift idea is great. I try to write a letter to the department head, owner etc to make specific mention of people and how their service stands out and how much it is appreciated. It seems from the responses I receive this is not a common practice. Most people call to complain. You are instilling great habits in your sons. Thank you for posting.


  2. Ricardo B.

    Full of beauty and meaning, such simple moments have in them ample room for sharing respect, love and appreciation. We can all ‘make each other’s day’ with courtesy and attentiveness – and a box of macarons never hurts either!


  3. Lady Leo

    What a wonderful tradition! Learning to see others as individuals, not just as a face in crowd, is a blessing to us and the ones we see. So often, especially in a service environment, such as a hotel, restaurant or retail shop, the employees can be seen as just a means to the patrons end. To be noticed and appreciated may start a new tradition for the recipient!


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