The Dignity of Service

There is nothing more dignified than serving another humbly, thoughtfully and patiently. The profession of sales, for instance, is an occupation rooted in the dignity of service. The fact that so many salespeople degrade the profession should not deter those who whose hearts lead them to the doorstep of this noble profession, rather, it should compel them to rise to the challenge and bring their “A” game, day in and day out.

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” – Mahatma Gandhi

5 thoughts on “The Dignity of Service

  1. In managing our small business in the service industry, many hats are worn, the most challenging and rewarding of which, is the sales position.
    However…it’s almost a close tie to the reward that comes the moment the client, walks in and sees the end results for the first time!

    Paramount in this process is the ability to listen.
    We do not sell a service, or a product, we sell ourselves. Which means, carefully cultivating new friendships that are mutually beneficial, and generative.

    Our clients are our greatest sales reps.


  2. Chuck Reddick

    This year marks my 40th year in sales, and I very much appreciate your thoughts on the profession. The opportunity to be of value and service to others is what kept me in sales, and certainly is the driving force behind what i do each and every day. We have discovered that the essence of professional sales is service to others, the providing of value, the opportunity to actually forget about oneself and immerse oneself in looking for ways to assist others. To me, and i know for many others, it is one of the professions that can and does truly make a difference in the world.


  3. David R

    In a profession so riddled with suspicion, hype and deception it can take something to work with consistent dignity and transcendent givingness. On the other hand, such an approach causes one to really stand out in the crowd!


  4. Lady Leo

    I love being served by someone who is thoroughly enjoying their profession. It’s as entertaining and marvelous to watch as a great orchestra or a artist. Nobility comes from a heart that carries the purity of knowing the key is blessing others.


  5. Katherine

    Excellent point. Whether we know it or not, we are always “selling” something – ourselves or our thoughts and ideas. In this regard, why not sell nobility and integrity through service to others however it may appear!


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