Fortes Fortuna adiuvat

Sedit qui timuit ne non succederet. – Horace

It’s been a while since I’ve shared a video with you but I couldn’t pass this one up. A friend of mine in Canada sent this recently and I hope that you enjoy it as much as I did.

Ed Helms Knox 2013 Commencement Address

Draw near unto your fears today. Don’t run or hide from them. Embrace them. Learn from them. What really do you have to lose, other than fear?

Do as former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt once advised: “Do one thing every day that scares you.”

Fortes Fortuna adiuvat!

4 thoughts on “Fortes Fortuna adiuvat

  1. Lady Leo

    I really enjoyed this! His message was not lost in his humor. In fact, I think there was more of a chance of it regestering, with his predominantly young audience.
    I look back at how most of my friends and myself were slowly fed into the fear machine. It’s sometimes so subtle that you don’t realize what you sacrificed for it until you’re older. It’s never too late to take his advice!


  2. Steve V

    Yes great video. Worth taking note. I like the part where he said when we have a desire to explore that is greater than the feeling of not screwing up we can recognize we are on the right track to facing limiting fears and moving on with our lives. Good to acknowledge this. Thanks for sharing.


  3. Ricardo B.

    Wow, what a great commencement speech – some true gems Mr. Helms articulated. One that stood out to me was around the 11:20 mark: “Success lies in the tension between fear and discovery.”
    Instead of knee-jerk flight reactions, fear can be a powerful tool of instruction if we can harness its energy and transform it into a propelling force that provides the fuel and ‘mustard’ for growth, to reach new heights unattainable before. Something so primitive can yield something transcendent…..what an incredibly valuable lesson!


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